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"PICNIC DODOL GARUT - We produce goods in accordance with the standards has been the commitment, namely to maintain the quality, so the quality is reliable and dare to compete "

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"PICNIC DODOL GARUT - We produce goods in accordance with the standards has been the commitment, namely to maintain the quality, so the quality is reliable and dare to compete "

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"PICNIC DODOL GARUT - We produce goods in accordance with the standards has been the commitment, namely to maintain the quality, so the quality is reliable and dare to compete "

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"PICNIC DODOL GARUT - We produce goods in accordance with the standards has been the commitment, namely to maintain the quality, so the quality is reliable and dare to compete "

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

Haji Hasan Mustapa


Mustapa Haji Hasan is a scholar, humanist and poet who was born in Cikajang Sunda, a district in the South Garut, dated June 3, 1852 M. My first encounter with the sheets of metrical Mustapa Haji Hasan (HHM)

A Brief History and Biography of RA. Lasminingrat

Raden Ayu Lasminingrat born in 1843, the daughter of a penghoeloe Limbangan Sunda and famous writers of his day, namely Haji Muhammad Musa Raden Raden Ayu with Ria. After that was born two other sisters who Seibu a father, that is Nyi Nyi Raden Raden Ratnaningrum and Lenggang Kencana. In a study book on the struggle of Raden Ayu Lasminingrat work of Prof. Dr. Hj. Nina Lubis, MS, stated that Raden Haji Muhammad Musa very concerned about their children's education. He wants his daughters, amounting to 17 people from several wives that attend schools in the Netherlands.

Therefore, when there were no such schools in Garut, then Raden Haji Muhammad Musa established European school (bijzondere Europeesche School) to hire two teachers of Europe. In this school of European (Dutch) can go to school together with indigenous children, as well as boys mixed with girls.As a result, the ability of Raden Ayu Lasminingrat in the Dutch language very fluently, even Karel Frederick Holle, an administrator at the Tea Plantation Alert, Cikajang, praised him. Praise is expressed in a letter to PJ Holle Veth, among others, mentions that: "The girl who married the prince regent Garut, adapt appropriately fairy tales written by Grimm, the stories of a fairy tale (Oleg Goeverneur), and other stories in Sundanese language" (Moriyama , 2005:244).

K.F. Holle is very close to the children Raden Haji Muhammad Musa, including the Lasminingrat, did not even hesitate, Lasmingrat "nembang" in front of the KF Holle, who is sometimes addressed as "Mr. Kawasa" (Lubis, 1998). Role K.F. Holle revitalize Sundanese in very large, as evidenced by publishing books in Sundanese, giving impetus to the marvelous to write down their work and publish it. The book is told, Lasmingrat also involved in "Project" compiled textbooks Sunda with a given cost f. 1200 from the Dutch Government.In 1875, Raden Ayu managed to translate into the Sundanese, the work of Christoph von Schmidt, Hendrik van Eichenfels, the Dutch version was translated from the German language in 1883. Tjarita Erman title to which is written in Java script, printed 6015 copies. Then in 1911 published two editions, also in Javanese script. And in 1922, published the third edition, written in Latin script.Furthermore, in 1876, neither the Lasminingrat write a book Warnasari Miscellaneous Tales, translated from the work of von Grimm Marchen and JAA Goeverneur, Vertelsels uit voor het Kinderen Wonderland, Groot en Klein (1872), and beberpa other stories, written in Javanese script. Published in 1903 and 1907 editions of two and three. 1887, wrote Warnasari, Volume 2 was written in Latin script, then printed a second edition in 1909.

Raden Ayu Lasminingrat talent in writing, no doubt inherited from his father who is also a leading writer, who revived among the Sundanese language Sundanese marvelous, including the legacy handed down to his talent and Raden Raden Ayu Kartawinata Lenggang Kencana. Of some of his work, Raden Ayu Lasmingrat in making the translation to retell the story in a way alien to be "grounded", among others, the names of indigenous leaders who smells (for example: "Erman", "Ki Pawitra") or giving the Islamic color. In addition, try to instill in his native rationalism in the world still marked by traditional beralam superstition. Not only that, Ayu raden Lasminingrat also put forward about the knowledge base, be it of natural science is the basis of the source water (spring water, rain), on the light (sun light), plants, including how to teach about the God's.Raden Ayu Lasmingrat also is the author of the first woman in Sundanese, which uses the first person pronoun. He used the word "Koela" (meaning "I"). Usually at that time the author uses the third person in the essay-writing. This suggests that Raden Ayu Lasminingrat, despite having close ties with the Dutch people, but he could demonstrate his integrity as a person intellectually, as well as pioneering work in the world Satra.Raden Ayu Lasmingrat role is evidenced by the establishment Sakola Kautamaan wife in 1907, taking place in the Hall Garut gamelan. Then along with the change of name to District Limbangan Garut Year 1913. Two years after the change of name, R.A.A. Wiaratanudatar VIII of retirement, after a regent since 1871. Garut Regent position lap later by RAA Kartalegawa Suria, who still considered his nephew. Raden Ayu Lasmingrat finally moved from the pavilion into a house in Regensweg (now Jalan Siliwangi). This large house (now a Yogya Department Store). Until the age of 80 years he is still active, although not directly in education.

During the Japanese occupation, Sakola Kautamaan wife was renamed the People's School (SR) and began to accept men. Since 1950, the SR is turned into SDN Ranggalawe I and IV are managed Department of Education and Culture Regency of Garut. In the 1990s up to now turn again to SDN Regol VII and X. 

Note the author (descendants of the six RA. Lasminingrat_The source text is taken from the family genealogy and many other sources.

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Who Said Indonesia Had No Pyramids!

Who Said Indonesia Had No Pyramids-1
The puzzle of the pyramid in the mountain Pastures and the mountain Sadahurip, were still invited experts debate. But did you know, if Indonesia does already have a pyramid. Even more than one!
Rather difficult indeed if we insist on making the pyramids in Egypt as a form of reference pyramid. In fact, a number of archaeological experts say a typical pyramid-shaped step pyramid in Indonesia or punden gate.
With this definition, here are 4 typical pyramid detikTravel, Indonesia gathered Monday (20/2/2012):
1. Temple of Borobudur in Central Java
This is the largest Buddhist temple in the world! The grandeur of its architecture makes this temple a world heritage site of UNESCO and was nominated for the New 7 Wonders version of historic buildings, but lost.
The temple was built in Magelang in the 8th century by King Samaratungga of Sailendra dynasty Dynasty pyramid has 6 floors and symmetrical circular Terrace level 4, high total of 34.5 meters. Starting from the terrace of the square at the very bottom, the ride is getting narrowed with the calculation of the geometric sequence very precision get to the top and invites awestruck decak archaeologists.
Of the 72 stupas on the top of the temple arranged circular, making people forget about is essentially shaped Borobodur Temple pyramid.
Who Said Indonesia Had No Pyramids-2
2. Candi Sukuh, Central Java
The temple located in the slopes of Mount Lawu, Karanganyar is awesome. Aztec or Mayan pyramids of imagine in Central America, as that’s the shape of Candi Sukuh!
Cool atmosphere could be felt around the Candi Sukuh. Understandably, its location was at the height of 1.186 mdpl and amongst the expanse of tea gardens.
Candi Sukuh has a sexuality-themed reliefs. However, the architecture of the temple is a thumbs up. The temple is the pyramid shape of the bottom of the gate with a staircase in the Center and Summit of the flat. Exactly with the Aztec or Mayan pyramids.
Whether the Candi Sukuh showed no contact of the archipelago to the civilizations of Central America. Scientists have not been able to answer the mystery of Candi Sukuh that one.
3. Ancient Pugung Raharjo Park, Lampung
Pugung Raharjo at the Old Park Regency East Lampung is a complex of historic relic sites of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam as well. There are many statues, inscriptions, the altar stone and a pyramid with the model punden with staircase.
Pugung Raharjo at the gate of a pyramid made of mound of land that is now cultivated green grass that preppy, not a pile of rocks such as Borobudur or Sukuh. While the stones on the gate at Pugung Raharjo, punden serves as a staircase and parapet around this pyramid and divide it into 3 parts punden with staircase, which is the bottom, middle and top.
4. Site of Lebak, Banten Cibedug
Perhaps many who do not know the prehistoric sites in the National Park of Lebak Cibedug Gunung Halimun, Lebak Regency, Banten. But here there are pyramids which again with the model punden with staircase.
From the official website, bantenculturetourism.com, cultural and tourism site of Lebak Cibedug covers an area of 2 hectares. But alas, the site of Lebak Cibedug isn’t easy to reach. It took a road trip from 4.5 hours to Attack the village of West Citorek, Kab Lebak, the nearby villages of Lebak pyramid Cibedug. From there, the trip continues with a walk as far as 9 km!
Indeed, the weakness of infrastructure is not a new story in the Regency of Lebak are criticized for letting the bridge almost collapsed is used by children to attend school. However, as a result, the pyramid of Lebak are near Cibedug outside the tourism radar.
Whereas a gate punden perform amazing with Lebak Cibedug trees already growing among the rocks of his pyramid. This makes the site of Lebak Cibedug so similar-similar to Angkor Wat in Cambodia or Thailand in Ayutthaya are overgrown with trees.
So, while we wait for the good news from a team of scientists on a mountain Pasture and Sadahurip, there is no harm in another pyramid used to visit us first existed in Indonesia!